Friday, January 15, 2010

From This to That

My current project was started about 7 months ago but got put on hold for various other projects.  I found a sweater at my favorite thrift store (mentioned in previous posts, my obsession for recycling sweaters) which originally caught my eye because of the color, a beautiful salmon-y pinkish/orangey color.  Only to read the fiber contents tag to give me that deer in the headlights look - 40% Wool, 30% Viscose (still not really sure what that IS, i'll have to google it), 20% angora rabbit hair, 10% cashmere.  It feels amazing, and looks like it was very well cared for.  So I took it out to begin dismantling it when this thought occurred to me....."Sydney, come here and try this on!"  But it wasn't the whole sweater I wanted her to try, geez, it's a ladies medium and she's only 8!  No, I wanted her just to try on the sleeve. . .on her leg!  "What?!!", she said. It had such a pretty cable pattern and she had been asking me to make her leg warmers for dance.  I immediately had 100% compliance. Lo and behold, it fit nicely and the armpit reached just above her knee.  So the project began. . .I want to share the progress here with pictures but please forgive that i've already taken out the first sleeve and started the first leg warmer construction.  I'll share details while I do the second one.

So here's the sweater, minus one sleeve.

and the cable detail.

God bless your stitches!

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